Posted By Rydal Williams

Google Sets Privacy Precedent: Third-Party Cookie Restrictions for Chrome Users in 2024 - Rawsoft

Digital Privacy

In an important development within the digital privacy landscape, Google has commenced the restriction of third-party cookies by default for 1% of Chrome users, a move announced as of January 4, 2024. This initiative is part of Google’s broader Privacy Sandbox project, aiming to enhance user privacy while maintaining web functionalities. The gradual approach, set to expand to all users by Q3 2024, is contingent upon addressing any remaining concerns from the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA).

This change is significant for the digital advertising industry and web services relying on third-party cookies for tracking and personalization purposes. The “eye” icon feature in the Chrome address bar serves as an indicator for sites attempting to access third-party cookies, offering insights into Google’s new Tracking Protection feature, which is integral to their strategy for limiting cross-site tracking.


For developers, Google has integrated warning and error messages in Chrome DevTools. These messages are designed to highlight potential issues related to cross-site cookies, thereby aiding developers in adapting to the new settings.

Furthermore, the implementation of a new chrome://settings/trackingProtection page in lieu of the traditional chrome://settings/cookies page for the affected group of users underlines Google’s commitment to enhancing user privacy controls.

Google encourages feedback and reports on any disruptions caused by these changes, emphasizing their dedication to a smooth transition. This feedback is crucial for refining the guidance, tooling, and functionalities necessary for the global web ecosystem to adapt effectively to this significant shift away from reliance on third-party cookies.


Overall, this update represents a pivotal moment in the balance between user privacy and digital marketing capabilities. It signals a major shift in how user data is managed and accessed across the web, urging advertisers, developers, and website owners to prepare for a new era in digital data analytics and privacy.

For more detailed information, refer to the original article on Google’s developer site: Google Developers Blog: Cookie Countdown January 2024.